Liturgy is central and indispensable to the Catholic experience, serving as the heartbeat of communal worship, spiritual growth and the expression of Catholic faith. The beauty and richness of our liturgies at Our Lady of Mount Carmel plays a significant role in fostering a strong sense of faith in our community and connection to the divine.
“The celebration of Mass is the action of Christ and the People of God – ministers and assembly…Every member of the liturgical assembly gathered by Christ has a part to play in the action of the whole…The participation of all is demanded by the nature of the liturgy and, for the faithful, is their right and duty by reason of their Baptism.”
– Pastoral Introduction to the Order of Mass, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, #4.
We invite you to explore the various liturgical ministries below and consider joining our team.
Sacristans contribute to the smooth and reverent celebration of the Mass by taking care of the practical and logistical aspects of liturgical preparation.
Greeters and Ushers play an important role in facilitating a welcoming and orderly environment before, during and after Mass. They welcome attendees, distribute worship aids, assist with seating and accommodations for those with special needs, collect the offerings, arrange for gift bearers and direct the Communion process. They also ensure that the church and facilities are left tidy after each Mass.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God through readings from the Scriptures. They devote time to preparing and reflecting on the readings in advance, so that they may be proclaimed with familiarity and reverence.
Eucharistic Ministers serve by assisting the presiders in distribution of Holy Communion. This ministry is open to all Catholics who have been fully initiated with the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
Acolytes and Altar Servers play a crucial role in enhancing the beauty and order of the liturgy, contributing to the reverence and solemnity of the Mass. They assist the priests and deacons in various liturgical functions during the Mass, including preparing the altar, assisting with the liturgical books, assisting with incense and holding the candles during the reading of the Gospel. Acolytes and Altar Servers process in and out bearing the candles and cross with the presiders. Altar servers range in age from 10 through 16; Adults are welcome to serve as acolytes.
Music ministers serve in very important and unique capacities during our liturgies. Click HERE to learn more about the rich history of music at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and to explore our cantor and choral opportunities.
Catechists for Children’s Liturgy of the Word play a vital role in the religious education and spiritual formation of the young members of our Catholic community. Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a specialized program during the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass where children are invited to Eden Chapel (behind the Sanctuary) to hear and reflect on the Word of God at a level appropriate for their age. Catechists prepare and present Scripture and facilitate reflection and discussion. Catechists participate in training and are required to complete background checks and other Archdiocesan required training through Virtus .
Ministry training will take place prior to your first date of service. If you have questions about any of these ministries or need further information, email us at [email protected] or call the parish office at 773-249-7080 x 126.